this is the view in brighton

this is the view in london

Day trip to Brighton to see the Pressed exhibition, first year printmakers from Brighton University showing in a little room above a little coffee shop, my friend's amazing work being on display. Interspersed with this was some mightily fine chips and building pebble mounds on the beach.
Back in New Cross a group of us dawned upon Sainsbury's, stocked up on sausages, baps, disposable barbeques and some cider and trekked up Jerningham Road to Telegraph Hill, for what will hopefully be the first of many summer excursions. The park itself felt like it was a million miles away from New Cross, a mini blossom strewn utopia, sitting under the dusky sky on a picnic blanket watching the sunset and gauging the colour changes, it was like picking out various crayons from a crayola box. I am certain we had ranges from periwinkle to midnight blue.

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